Today as I walked up towards campus I was passed by a young couple, as they passed I thought they were a bit quirky but that's normal for a young couple at BYU, but what happened next was not (nor should it ever be) normal. As they passed me and got about 15 feet in front of me. They slowed their walk and the woman in the couple let one rip, and expelled a 6 to 7 second flatulence. I was too shocked to laugh out loud. I just stood there, as over the course of 5 to 6steps an otherwise normal, adult, woman blasted out a Massive, Extended Fart, the couple just laughed and continued walking as if nothing happened. while I understand that once you married you'll see and hear a lot of things that you didn't when you were dating, I hope I don't ever become so uncouth and comfortable in public, in my opinion it reflects poorly on the spouse. Wow, this ,without exaggeration, really did just happen!
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that's crazy, I wonder how word got out. what a tangled world wide web we live in.
why is the word 'woman' in bold type? just curious.
because of my TV upbringing. If T.V. has taught me anything it's that women are supposed to smell like flowers, and are incapable of uncouth bodily functions..... The only reason it's in bold is while It would have been gross which ever one made the flatulence, it was extra surprising coming from a woman. I guess, I'm just doing my best to prolong gender stereotypes
why are bodily functions uncouth? just curious ;)
Amy. Shutup. Dave. Welcome to my childhood.
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