Creative Ways to Get a Restraining Order.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and the above one screams "what's more creative than a kidnapping?"

To give you a taste, idea #202, is pictured to the right
Lets break this one down like a fraction.
First Rent or Borrow a ROBOT (think of the word ROBOT being shouted in a deep ominous voice from the future, hence, the all caps). I mean, how have I never thought of that. I'll just head down to the ROBOT rental kiosk in the mall, or better yet, I think Bro. Johnson from the ward has a couple of spare robots lying around maybe I could borrow one.
Second, "Have the ROBOT follow the person around work or school tactfully making comments that are about or to the individual" I guess once you've got a robot this is a no brainer. What's more romantic than a tactful robot following you around followed closely by a giggling frecklefaced kid with an RC remote? I mean nothing exemplifies tactful like a robot ordering a Bacon Bounty Cheese at Arctic Circle.
All in all, thank you for this, Barbara Seegmiller. It's your creativity that, in a small part, makes Provo the way it is and makes this blog possible. For all those interested in learning more about Barbara, she has an active online presence:
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