ABC 4 did
a story on
the mistake yesterday from
the DU.
Funny, though, that while they're reporting on the mistake, they didn't
learn the
lesson from it.
NOTE: Where do you think they got that picture? That red circle looks
mighty familiar. Okay, I'll just say it, they got it from this blog.

They should call a truce while they're tied.
Let's hope and pray this thing keeps folding back in on itself.
P.S. I'm aware we have
many a typo on our little media outlet at
This Just Happened. It hapins to the bets of us. It jsut did.
New Latin & Medieval Latin, from Latin or Greek; Latin, from Greek, among, with, after, from meta among, with, after; akin to Old English mid, mith with, Old High German mit1 a: occurring later than or in succession to : after
b: situated behind or beyond c: later or more highly organized or specialized form of
2: change : transformation
3 [metaphysics] : more comprehensive : transcending —usually used with the name of a discipline to designate a new but related discipline designed to deal critically with the original one
4 a: involving substitution at or characterized by two positions in the benzene ring that are separated by one carbon atom b: derived from by loss of water